Picking Up Women and Making It Work For You

One of the most compelling reasons to hire an escort is so that you can be out nd about, seen in the company of a beautiful woman. This is enjoyable all by itself, because what man doesn’t enjoy having an attractive woman on his arm, buying her drinks, talking to her, admiring her… and maybe taking her home after a pleasant evening? Being seen with a beautiful woman also makes you more attractive to other women who see you, because every woman wants to compete with every other woman. They all want to know they are good enough, that they are attractive enough. Deep down, they are all worried that a man might pick another woman, even if they don’t particularly want the man in question.  It’s like two children who could play with different toys, but who always seem to want one toy at the same time, so they fight over it.  Later, the coveted toy will sit, forgotten, until another child picks it up… and then the fight is on again.  The same thing happens when any woman sees a man in the company of a beautiful woman like a professional escort.

Well, what is the point of making yourself more attractive to other women? You’re not going to buy escorts for the rest of your life. You purchase the time of an escort for specific reasons, but few men spend all their lives only doing that. Eventually they meet a “non-professional” and they settle into an actual relationship, either with a string of girlfriends or one long-term mate.  That means that sooner or later, unless he is content just to go out with those women who are aggressive enough to make he first move, a man has to actually approach other women and try to pick them up.

Now, “picking up’ women is kind of  loaded topic. There is this whole culture called “PUA,” which stands for Pick Up Artist.  Most people weren’t aware of this until relatively recently, when a reality show featuring one of the more ridiculous PUA types was on cable. While the show taught some of the basics of “game,” which is what pick-up types call the ability to get a woman’s phone number or get her to go me with you, it was kind sad overall. The start of the show was this over six-foot scarecrow in a funny hat and goggles who was pale as a ghost and, honestly, seemed like he might be gay. I don’t believe for a second that this guy picks up women n clubs, no matter how many “negs” he throws (that is short for “negative,” a technique in which you insult a girl in a playful manner) or how much “peacocking” he does (that’s apparently the explanation for the ridiculous top hat and welder’s goggles or whatever they are).  But the show was the first indication lots of people had that “picking up” girls was a skill that could be learned, and in fact, it is.

Well, it turns out that there are some women out there who try to pick up guys. It’s helpful to know what they’re thinking so that you can plan for it. Then you can go where they expect to pick you up, and work your magic picking THEM up. Everybody wins that way, right?

Well, one of the places women think they’re going to meet you and pick you up is the grocery store. That makes sense. If you go to the average guy’s apartment, if he lives alone, he probably doesn’t have any food there. That means that anytime he wants to eat he’ll either have to order something or, more likely, he’ll go to he store and buy just enough for one night. So you have guys going back and forth to the store and apparently that’s a great place to meet women.

Be aware that she thinks she’s doing you a favor.  Females are trained to think that they’re God’s gift to humanity by our culture. Especially if they are beautiful, they are used to men approaching them constantly, and they have probably heared plenty of lame pickup lines and seen lots of terrible pickup artist antics. So if they come out with the intention of picking YOU up, they think they are doing you a favor by giving you an easy way to chat them up.  Most women figure that there’s no way you’ll ever say know because they’ve done you the incredibly huge favor of giving you permission to speak to them.

That’s where this whole pickup artist thing gets a little funny.  You can’t have a woman thinking she’s doing you a favor or she’ll treat you accordingly.  A woman who thinks it’s your job to buy her drinks, treat her like a queen, bend over backwards to please her, and do whatever is necessary so that hopefully she’ll let you get a ittle action, is going to turn into a nightmare if you ever try to make a go of a relationship with her.  Picking up a woman is as much about establishing expectations as it is about getting her to give you her number or, even better, come home with you.

This is one of the reasons some men hire escorts, because the escort knows she’s there for a reason and will not treat you with a lot of attitude.  She isn’t doing you a favor; you have paid for a service and it is her job to provide that service properly. You’ve got to “train your date,” so to speak, so that she knows you are not a pushover. That’s where that whole “neg” (short for “negative”) thing comes from:  It is a pickup artist’s attempt to establish to a woman that she’s not doing him a favor (and, in fact, maybe he’s the one who’s got the power and therefore he’s the one doing her a favor by talking to her.

If all of this sounds complicated, that’s because it is… but then, that’s another reason people hire escorts.