We take pride in providing only the highest quality NYC escorts since we understand that you require a professional and beautiful woman. Each of our gorgeous New York escorts have been carefully chosen for their beautiful looks, personality, and sophistication. When you book an NYC escort with us you set yourself up for the time of your life with a sexy and elegant New York escort.
Maybe you you live in New York or maybe you are just visiting for fun or business, whatever the reason is, our New York escorts specialize in each and every need you require. With an enormous selection of hot girls ready to give you the attention you deserve, it’s time to give us a call and setup that special date right now!
Never worry when you book a date with us because we understand the importance of your privacy, time, and money and we do everything we can to protect your privacy, keep our rates low, and make the most out of your time. We promise to treat you with fool proof discretion and promise we will never share any of your private info.
Give us a call now or contact us through our contact us page and book that special date with one of our exclusive NYC escorts.

Welcome to nycescortsinc.com! We hope that you enjoy browsing our website and viewing the profiles of all the lovely ladies we have posted. We created this site to help men just like you find an escort that fits your needs. You will find a wide selection of ladies just waiting to fulfill your every desire. We have young ladies that are willing to travel with you throughout the United States and abroad. Our portfolio is proudly displayed because you will find some of the most beautiful girls in the area right here on our website.
Every time you are with one of our escorts you will know the difference, they will provide you with their undivided attention. We offer variety when it comes to service and we encourage you to customize your experience to your particular taste. You will never be pressured for tips, gifts, or bonuses. There are several predesigned packages that will fit your utmost desires:
Dinner Date
Spend a lovely evening out at your favorite restaurant with anyone of our beauties. If you are used to eating alone your will find this much more rewarding. You will be the envy of every man in the restaurant with one of our young ladies;
One Night Out
Paint the town red with a lovely lady on your arm. Stay out as late as you please and enjoy the company of a beautiful woman. Enjoy high end bars, clubs, business dinners, office parties, and anywhere else you want to visit with your date.
Travel Companion
If you want to travel but you don’t want to do it alone have one of our beautiful ladies join you.
Out all night
If you want to remain in the United States but want an extended play session with your beauty we can offer you a night you won’t forget.
What our service does?
All of the young ladies here are represented by. We work as a go between you and them. We will book an appointment for you and help you setup your date. We can provide information on each escorts personality and help you decide who will be the best fit for you. Make no mistake we are a matchmaking service, we will never imply or infer within these pages, through email, or by telephone that we are taking payment for anything other than providing you with companionship. We have no express knowledge of any interaction between you (the client) and the escort(s) of your choice for the purposes of anything other than that of a companion to each other.
This website is for adult viewing and may contain brief nudity. The escorts depicted here are all over the age of 21 and we merely act as a matchmaking service for the purpose of helping individuals find companionship.
If you are under the age of 18 it is illegal to view the adult material that is contained in this website. This is your notice to leave this site NOW. takes no responsibility for your actions. We have not acted in a manner to send you this information and you have chosen to receive it. By remaining on this page you attest that you understand and accept the responsibility for your actions and release and the web page creator of any liability.
New client notice our professionalism first and our world class service second. Forging a business relationship with us is nothing to be ashamed of. It’s a relationship that includes spending time with a naturally beautiful young lady and being treated like the man you deserve. Our service packages can’t be beat; here is what we can offer:
• Every time you spend time with an escort you’ll get her undivided attention.
• We offer variety when it comes to our intimate packages and we encourage you to customize your experience to fit your lifestyle.
• We will never reveal any of your personal information and use the utmost discretion when it comes to your privacy.
• We will disclose a small amount of personal information about the companion you choose to make sure that there is a match.
• Our escorts will never pressure you for tips, bonuses, or gifts outside of what we have agreed on.
We offer a pre-designed package that fits your every desire: dinner date, a night on the town, overnight, international travel, and double up
Total Privacy and Total Discretion
Our agency is totally committed to your privacy and to complete discretion at all time. Our safeguarding of your privacy extends to your first and last contacts with us. In other words, from the moment you first get in touch with us, until the most recent visit you spend with one of our lovely escorts, we will guard your confidentiality completely. We never share with anyone the fact that you have used our services. That information never leaves this office, and that means that we don’t sell your information to some third party mailing list that will start sending you spam, either. No one else on the outside world will ever know you hired an escort unless you tell them. We don’t store any information about you, so there’s no concerns about your data being compromised at a third party location, either. In today’s day and age, privacy concerns are front and center, and for good reason.
Not so long ago in the news you may have heard about a very prominent website that was devoted (or so it said) to connecting its members with willing partners for extramarital affairs. Recently disclosures have shown that the site itself was likely a scam. There were very few actual female members, and many of the female member accounts appear to have been maintained by the staff of the site itself… all to keep the male members of the site paying in vain hope of meeting a willing young woman with whom to have an affair. What’s worse, the site in question even promoted itself on the basis of just how actively it protected its users privacy and their personal information… all while compiling this information in a way that was, it turns out, not at all secure.
When unknown hackers got into the site’s database, they blackmailed the site owners unsuccessfully. Eventually, ten gigabytes of data about the users of this affair website were released to the Internet, and that meant that millions of people’s lives were potentially harmed. This was horrible, not only because the site owners thought they were conducting their business discreetly, but because the sudden and abrupt revealing of these accounts’ owners caused at least a couple of them to commit suicide. This is a great example of what can go wrong when a website pays lip service to client confidentiality, but does not actually invest the time and effort necessary to maintain that confidentiality.
Well, when you book with us, none of that is a concern. We safeguard your privacy from the first moment you contact us. We also believe that who you date, and how you choose to meet them, is entirely your business, and that means it is for nobody else to judge. We take great pride in the fact that our service is not only legal, but a great help to many men who just want the opportunity to spend time with attractive women. Our New York escorts are also skilled and highly trained when it comes to protecting your privacy. They will never talk to anyone else about their clients, which means they’ll never reveal to any third party that fact that you booked them. They will not talk to anyone about anything they may have learned about you or your life in the course of making a connection with you. They also won’t talk about the dates they go on with clients to any of their fellow New York escorts. Our young ladies know that the best way to protect your privacy is simply not to discuss things that don’t need to be discussed.
When we hire a New York escort for our site, we put her through a lengthy screening process that makes sure she is capable of protecting your privacy and that she can conduct herself in a classy, confidential way. There’s no way that you’d want to go out with a young woman who doesn’t know how not to talk about the men she dates. Our girls are completely aware of how this works and they understand what you need from us. If any member of our staff is not capable of maintaining client confidentiality, and of holding client confidentiality in the highest importance, we don’t keep them on staff. We work hard to protect your privacy and your personal information because we know you cannot relax and enjoy yourself to the fullest if you’re worried about your private life becoming public. We are very good at protecting your interests and you can count on us to maintain the highest standard of professionalism where you are concerned. That is the respect that we have for you, the client.
You Don’t Have to Limit Yourself to Just One New York Escort
You know that you can book a lovely, professional, sophisticated, sexy, and desirable young lady through our service. That New York escort will gladly spend time with you, focus her attention on you, get to know you, and possibly make a connection with you. What you may not realize, though, is that just as you can book one incredibly gorgeous young woman through us, you could also choose to book more than one. We think you should stop and really give this some thought, because we know that it’s almost universal among healthy, heterosexual men: They all fantasize about taking out not just one woman, but two or three. This is a pretty fundamental fantasy, and the existence throughout history of tales of harems (and actual accounts of harems of concubines) speaks to the male desire to have such feminine variety at his beck and call. Haven’t you always wondered what it would be like to step out on the town with a beautiful woman on each arm, like some kind of playboy?
The reason the fantasy is so powerful is because it underscores just what a player you are. Any guy can luck out and score a beautiful woman, even for just a little while… but a man who can command the attention of not one, but two gorgeous ladies, and furthermore, a man who is so incredible that both those women are entirely okay with sharing his attention with each other, is a man whose powerful status among women cannot be denied. Wealthy men regularly travel in the company of many scantily clad ladies, as you can see when you look at image sharing sites online. These sites are full of “lifestyle porn” wherein wealthy men surround themselves with multiple half-naked women, and then pose suggestively with them as if to say that they spend all their romantic time practically drowning in feminine attention. These men are directly tapping the shared male fantasy of having multiple women at the same time, and that is because every man wants the opportunity to impress his fellow males and make other women jealous by showing off his implied virility. Nothing says “virile man” quite like a crowd of beautiful women dressed in next to nothing who spend all their time around you!
You know that when you book a beautiful, sexy, professional New York escort, you are also impressing those who see you. Men who see you in the company of such an incredible woman will wonder what you have that they don’t. They will see that woman on your arm and they will be jealous. They will wish that they could be you. They will immediately raise in their minds their assessment of just how effective a man you are. The same is true of women who see you. As women always evaluate men for what they think they are worth, and perform a kind of cost benefit analysis in their minds of whether they would sleep with a man (even if this is just in theory and they have no intention of acting on it), the presence of a sexy lady like one of our New York escorts will make the women who see you immediately wonder what makes you worth her attention. They will therefore assume you have qualities that make you desirable, and this means they will in turn see you as more desirable simply because you are in proximity to such a sexy lady. Well, would you like to multiply this effect? Would you like to impress the people who see you that much more? You need look no farther than hiring more than one of our escorts. New York is a great city for impressing people, after all. It’s the city that never sleeps and it’s full of so many interesting places to take a date.
Enjoy this multiplying effect when you date multiple New York escorts. New York escorts will blow your mind when taken out individually, but when taken out in pairs or threes, the attention you command (and the heads you will turn) increase accordingly. When you walk into a restaurant or a club with not one, but two beautiful women on your arm, those around you will be more than just impressed. They’ll be staggered, convinced there is a genuine playboy in their midst. Can you handle that kind of attention? Do you want to be seen as that kind of man? That is the amazing sort of status increase our New York escorts can give you. She is a wonderful and beautiful thing, your escort. New York escorts like ours are the best in the city… and when you book them, either one at a time or in groups, you will be amazed at just how they improve your outlook.
Set Aside Conventional Dating and Improve Your Life with Our New York Escorts
What are you waiting for? Maybe you aren’t sure you can afford one of our lovely young New York escorts. Maybe you’re wondering about the cost of making this your romantic lifestyle from this point forward. Well, we think you’ll find that when you really look at the cold, hard facts, going out with a New York escort is not just more efficient in terms of time when compared to traditional dating, but is also preferable when it comes to how cost effective it can be. Put simply, the old-fashioned method of finding and dating non-professional women is outdated. It is very expensive and contains a great many hidden costs. When you spend a few hundred dollars and book one of our beautiful, professional escorts, that might seem like a great deal of money the first time you do it. When you compare it to the total cost of dating a non-professional girl, however, you’ll be amazed at how favorably it compares.
Think about how awful the process of meeting non-professional women really is. You first have to identify the types of places where you are likely to meet women, and then you have to go there. You’re going to be spending money the entire time you are doing this, whether you are dropping funds for cover charges at night clubs, drinks in bars, dinners at restaurants, or other activities (tickets to the theater, etc.). Hanging out in bars trying to woo women by buying them drinks is sort of one of the old standbys of the traditional dating game, but it’s something that can easily result in women taking advantage of you. Ask any young woman how much money she has to have in her pockets to go to a bar in order to have a good time drinking.
A reasonably attractive woman knows she doesn’t have to have a cent to her name. She can expect horny guys to buy her drinks all night long… and she’s under no obligation to go home with any of them. Most of the time, when you try to get girls this way, you’re going to go home empty handed, with your wallet cleaned out, and with nothing to show for it. Sure, women will flirt with you, and some of them will be happy to string you along, but it’s not going to amount to much… to say nothing of the sorts of environments in which you’re wasting hour after hour. There’s loud, terrible music, there’s people who couldn’t care less if you’re in the room, and there’s girls who have no real intention of ever connecting with you on any level. Is that how you want to spend your time and money?
Even if you’re lucky enough to meet someone, even if somehow, against all odds, you do establish a connection with a woman, the hidden costs don’t stop there. You’re going to be feeding a steady stream of effort and money into this new relationship. You can never relax. You’ve always got to impress her, and the second you don’t impress her, the second you show weakness, the second you can’t take care of her as she’s become accustomed to being taken care of, you will be abandoned. There are almost no men who can say that their girlfriends (or wives) stuck by them when suddenly they had a lot less money than before. Isn’t it coincidental how many women suddenly find somebody else when the man they are with doesn’t have the income or power that he used to have. This is what you are dealing with when you date non-professional women. They won’t stand by you, they cost money constantly, and they must always be impressed. You can’t let your guard down with them ever. The second you do, you’ll regret it.
A lot of guys give up on the traditional dating scene for these reasons and try to find someone with whom they can make a deeper connection through the online dating game. There are many men who’ve grown tired of nightclubs, bars, and the endless dance of trying to “pick up” a girl, who decide that a dating site may be the way to go. After all, these sites are supposed to survey your likes and dislikes and connect you with someone who shares them… right? The reality, though, is that this is seldom the case. Sure, you can fill out your profile in great detail. You can craft it very carefully. You can shell out all kinds of money for a paid membership so you get all the bells and whistles. But now it’s time to actually try to meet a girl through the service, and that’s where things fall apart again.
The problem you have is that you’re just one of hundreds of guys who is sending messages to women on the site. As you already know, women are far outnumbered by men on online dating sites. An attractive woman always has her pick of potential dates, and she can afford to be very selective. How will you get her attention when your message is buried under the noise of all the others? And even if you do, there’s no guarantee that she has any intention of actually meeting you out somewhere. She might just be stringing you along. Your time and your money is again wasted.
Stop doing this to yourself! When you no longer spend time and money on traditional methods of old-fashioned dating, you’ll be much better off financially. The time you save is also significant. You can’t ever get those hours back once you’ve wasted them… and have you considered the value that the time has in and of itself? Every hour you spend wasting your time trying to date someone is an hour you could have been spending doing almost anything else, from your work to something you might actually enjoy. When you waste time, you waste money. There is a utility cost to every hour spent trying and failing to make a connection with a woman.
There’s one great solution to all of these problems, and that is hiring an escort. New York escorts are the answer because when you go out with a beautiful, professional New York escort, you are taking back dating and doing it on your time and your schedule. You are in control. The young lady is focused entirely on you, and if you make a connection, great. You don’t waste any more time. You book your date, and when the booking is over, that’s it. There’s no hassle. If you like your new young lady friend and you want to see her again, you simply book her again… and you never have to worry about the endless text messages, the cards, the furtive conversations, the flirting, or any of that nonsense. It’s all straightforward and it’s all geared toward you getting precisely what you want. Nothing could be easier or more simple… and nothing could be more fulfilling.
Our Girls Focus On You Completely
When was the last time you felt like you were the focus of your date’s attention? When did you last go out and think, “I am the reason we are on this date, and she is focused on me entirely” while you were on your date? Have you ever felt that way? For many people, it’s pretty rare. The fact is that the average man simply doesn’t get to experience this because most of the time, he is taught that the exact opposite is true in the romantic world: A man is always taught that he must put his needs last, and the romantic desires and needs of those he is trying to date always come first. In other words, his needs come last. He is taught this, and more importantly, women are taught this. The result is that most women look at men simply for what they can get from them. They treat them as a disposable source of cash and they don’t really care very much if one guy is replaced with another. That means that even when out on a date with a guy, the average woman is easily distracted. She will get a phone call or a text and pay attention to that instead of the mean she is with. She will see friends out and become distracted by their presence. She may even see another man, or be chatted up by another man, while her date is in the restroom or fetching her drinks… and the next thing he knows, she has wandered off, like a toddler with a short attention span. All it takes is something “shiny” to distract the average woman, and that means a date with a normal, “amateur” (in other words, not a professional) woman is an excruciating exercise in trying to keep that woman’s attention focused on you for long enough to actually persuade her to let you take her out again.
That’s what a date is, after all. It’s an attempt to get that women to let you take her out in the future. It is essentially a job interview, which means you have to be on your best behavior the entire time. You don’t dare say or do anything that might stop the “deal” from being made. You’re essentially trying to close, eventually, on the prospect of actually taking this young lady home eventually. You’ve first got to convince her to let you have as many “next dates” as it takes to make her comfortable with you, and then eventually you’ve got to make your move. This is stressful and it’s a lot of work. It’s the opposite of actually having fun on a date. But you’ve got to put up with this if you want to have any hope of making the old-fashioned dating game work. Where is there, in that lengthy, stressful, and difficult process, any allowance for you to actually have a good time? Shouldn’t dating actually be fun? The problem is, of course, that going out with a non-professional girl isn’t actually much fun at all. You’ve got to be on your guard the whole time, anticipating her needs, trying not to say or do anything that might accidentally offend her, and basically putting yourself through the wringer in order to come out on the other side with the possibility of being with a woman romantically and physically. That’s no way to live… and it’s no way to spend your leisure time.
We believe that dating should be fun. Your New York escort will show you a new way to enjoy your time with a beautiful woman. Go out and enjoy a night on the town, or stay in for some quiet time at home, in the company of one of the most beautiful young ladies you are ever going to meet. She will spend time with you, get to know you, talk to you, and if there is a real connection between the two of you, then who knows where it might lead? But through it all, what she’ll absolutely do is focus on you completely and totally. She will devote her time to you and make sure that you enjoy your time together. This includes her total focus on you, giving you the benefit of her undivided attention. She will not be distracted by her phone, her friends, or her life. She will not suddenly find something more interesting to do, and she will not suddenly get a better offer. She will be nothing more or less than your companion for the duration of your booking, and her focus on you will be one of the many major touches that makes the escort experience that much better than traditional, old-fashioned dating. You will find it so refreshing to be out with a woman who actually cares what you think and wants to place the focus of your time together on you. She will give you the opportunity of a lifetime: the chance to experience stress-free, pressure-free dating in a setting that places you at the forefront. You will be able, finally, to have your needs met. You will be indulged. You will be treated, above all, with respect.
Respect is something the average man is also missing in his day to day romantic life. Most women simply don’t treat a man with respect. They treat him poorly and value him only for what they can get from him. When you go out with one of our New York escorts, there is none of that relationship baggage and none of that potential for disrespect. Because the booking is a financial transaction, there is no potential for miscommunication between you and your young lady. You know precisely what you are getting for your money, and she knows precisely what is expected of her. Because she is a professional, and because keeping you entertained and happy is the job she is paid and trained to do, she will treat you with utmost respect and, on top of that, she will have the highest regard for your privacy. Your confidentiality is sacred to us and our ladies understand just how important their discretion is. More than just one on one focus and attention, going out with our girls means finally being able to enjoy your time romantically with as little stress as possible. For most men, this is a prize beyond price, and a truly unique experience. Only when you book a New York escort through us will you finally achieve your fullest potential for romantic happiness. And booking one of our escorts represents a sea change in what it’s like to spend time with a beautiful woman. Every man desires feminine companionship. When you get that female companionship through us, you finally receive the best possible time with a beautiful young lady that it is possible to have.
Beats Internet Dating Every Time
Perhaps you’ve considered Internet dating. Before the advent of Internet dating, the only way to meet a woman was to do it the traditional, old-fashioned way: You went to bars and clubs and spent your time hanging around trying to get a woman’s attention. You spend a lot of money buying drinks for women, hoping to break the ice, but more than that, you work on your “approach.” You go up to women and attempt to chat them up, hoping that your words have enough power to get that young woman’s attention and hold it long enough for you to hold a conversation with her. The whole time you’re doing that, you’re fighting multiple forces that are conspiring against you to stop you from holding her attention long enough to do it: her friends may be trying to block you or “protect her” from you, other men may also be hitting on her, the atmosphere in the bar or club could be loud or otherwise obnoxious, and it could be so crowded that trying to strike up a conversation is almost impossible. Against all these challenges, you are expected to somehow make enough of an impression to get that woman’s attention. Could you do it? Could anyone? Honestly, it’s a miracle that anyone meets a woman that way. We are in the business of providing feminine companionship to men who want it, when and where they want it, without hassle and without stress. The traditional dating game is the opposite of all these qualities. This is why people turn to Internet dating: They think it represents an opportunity to break out of this old-fashioned paradigm.
In reality, Internet dating just grafts the appearance of modernity onto the same tired method of meeting and romancing women. This is a model that is destined to fail more often than it isn’t. After all, if Internet dating sites worked as they were supposed to, they would all quickly put themselves out of business. They’re built on the promise that with a few questions answered on your profile, you’ll be hooked up with someone with whom you are very personality-similar and therefore compatible. But think about the couples you know who have managed to stay together for any length of time. Did they last because they were very similar, or did they last because “opposite attracts,” and because the things that one person lacked the other person had? We think it’s the latter case more often than not, and yet dating sites are all built on the idea of compatibility and similarity. Just the fact that the average dating site stays in business belies the claim that they’re finding people for their members. Most people would sign up, find someone, and sign off forever if this was the case… yet most of the people you know who “do Internet dating” are still doing it. It has become for them an ongoing lifestyle choice… the most ongoing part of which is continuing to pay money to the dating site.
But let’s say that you do manage to shell out tons of money in membership fees for dating sites. You’ll have to pay, after all. Even the sites that advertise themselves as “free” don’t tell you at first that you have to pay for premium account access if you want to be able to do things like read your messages, or contact non-paying members. Basically, to have the greatest chance of meeting someone, you have to be willing to pay a lot of money. This can really add up over time, as some of the more specialty and “niche” sites, like adultery and hookup sites, want quite a bit of money. They’re happy to give you a discount if you pay for an entire year up front, but that ends up being a very serious sum, and the monthly fees are not low; they’re usually more than you’d pay for Netflix or another service like that, and possibly even more than you’re paying for Internet access. The scary thing about these sites, though, is that they collect all kinds of personal and billing data about you and then never actually properly safeguard that information. There was a very famous instance recently of a popular “affair” site that had been taking its customers’ money for years, promising among other things a very special deletion service that would scrub from the site (and therefore the Internet) all evidence of the user having used the service. But this didn’t happen… and the fallout was massive.
It seems a group of hackers gained access to the “affair” site’s internal data. They first tried to blackmail the owners of the website, and when the owners refused, the hackers released all the data to the Internet in the form of a torrent. Soon, people were analyzing the emails contained in the data. Several famous people were outed as wanting affairs and having used the sites. Still others were implicated but denied they were actually signed up… because anyone could use any email without verifying that email. This made things very much worse for all involved. And even worse, it was clear that the affair site wasn’t purging the data of people who were paying for that deletion service. If they had been, the data of those exposed would not have been there to be hacked in the first place. Yet that was not the most interesting betrayal of the site’s clients, and the implications were very disturbing.
It seems the site had almost no female members. The average dating site has very many more male members than it has female members, so the ratio is already working against the average guy who is looking to meet a woman online. But on a dating site where there are no female members, the male members are at the mercy of the website’s integrity… or lack of it. The affair site was actually creating fake female accounts that were either run by staff members or were fully automated. They even went so far as to create an elaborate algorithm that pretended to “chat” with male members to make them think they were getting interest from female users. Because there was no way for the male members to compare notes, each individual guy thought he must be unique in that he wasn’t actually meeting a woman to have an affair with or establish a relationship with. By stringing these guys along and making them think there was a hope of eventually meeting someone, it kept them shelling out their very high monthly membership fees (and those fees were well above average because the site positioned itself as a premium service for high rollers in the first place). The dual betrayal, then, was found in the failure to protect and delete client information, coupled to the fact that the site was built on a scam where men were made to think there were women to date (when there weren’t).
This is the worst case scenario for Internet dating. The average Internet site isn’t that bad, but it’s not much better from the standpoint of you finding someone to enjoy your time with. The average guy will find only a small number of women on an Internet dating site who are actually worth talking to. Many of the women on those sites are very unattractive or have major personality deficits. They wouldn’t be on an Internet dating site if this was not the case, because the average woman can almost always find someone willing to date her if she simply says “yes” to his advances or makes it clear she would be receptive to an offer. So on an Internet dating site you are already dealing with a lack of suitable women, which makes hunting for the attention of these women that much harder. And when you do try to date these women, even if they were all worth dating, you would still have a major problem. That major problem is the competition involved in the sausage-fest that is online dating, because any reasonably attractive woman (and even the unattractive ones) on an Internet dating site is inundated with messages from horny men.
What does this mean for you? Well, it means that when you try to establish contact with a woman, most of the time you are doing this by clicking a button to “flirt” with that girl, or otherwise send her a message without much information attached, or you are sending her a message that you hope she will notice and read. The idea is that the two of you will establish a dialogue, start trading small talk, get to know each other a little more extensively, and then eventually go out for a “real” date (whereupon the dating dance starts pretty much all over again, although you have a little bit of a head start). Are you exhausted yet? Because just getting to the point where you go out on a “real” date with a woman you met through Internet dating can take forever. In the meantime, you have spent countless dollars on memberships and countless hours on making small talk that went nowhere. The average woman on a dating site is flooded with messages that she will never read or never reply to. Your message could easily be lost in the shuffle, and how will you get her attention while so many others are vying for her attention? That atmosphere also creates an attitude of entitlement among women that makes them even more rude and standoffish to you. They start to believe they deserve the attention they are getting and they feel they are doing you a favor by bothering to notice you at all, much less be nice or friendly to you.
So what is the end result? The end result of Internet dating is that if you actually meet someone with whom you can establish a connection, it is practically a miracle. There is a tremendous amount of time and energy spent that may or may not ever result in you meeting someone. For most men, Internet dating is an exercise in futility and frustration that will leave them no better off than they were when they began… and this is the problem. It is sold as the solution to the traditional dating model, but Internet dating is no better than the model it is supposed to address. The real solution to that problem is hiring a New York escort. Our New York escorts are beautiful, friendly, professional entertainers who will spend their time with you completely focused on you. This means that you can skip the entire laborious and expensive process of trying to meet someone and simply pick a young lady from the listings here on our site. If you don’t see what you want, or the young lady you would prefer is otherwise booked, we will reach out to our extended network of professional entertainers in the New York area and we will find someone we know will please you. Then it’s just a matter of coordinating your schedule with that of our beautiful young lady, making sure she’s there when and where you want her at a location to which you’ve both agreed, and sending you two out to enjoy the duration of your booking.
Doesn’t that sound so much simpler and better than the alternative? If you like your beautiful young New York escort and you want to see her again, all you have to do is book her time again. Most of our clients gladly become repeat clients, and in truth our service tends to ruin our clients for all other forms of dating. Once they’ve seen how easy it is, and once they’ve seen the type of high-quality ladies we have to offer, they are reluctant to find their female companionship any other way. We cut straight to the good part of dating — the part where you get to spend an evening at home or out on the town with one of the most gorgeous women you’ve ever seen. All our professional entertainers enjoy very much what they do for a living. They will be friendly, they will be fun, and they will genuinely enjoy themselves with you. This stands in stark contrast to the service provided by some of our competitors. You don’t want to a young lady who appears simply to be “going through the motions” and pretending to be enjoying herself. You want someone who is actually having fun, and for whom the process of meeting you and getting to know you is actually enjoyable. We screen our young ladies for all of these qualities and make sure that every one of them can provide for you the a-plus escort experience that our clients have come to expect.
The time to book a New York escort is now. Our girls are far superior to all other forms of dating, particularly Internet dating. Don’t waste your time on those types of activities any longer. Instead, get the most for your money, and the most efficient use of your time, by booking an evening out with one of our girls. And it doesn’t matter precisely what you want to do, either. Are you looking for a more or less traditional date, with dinner, some drinks, dancing, or perhaps a show? That’s fine, and our escorts are more than happy to sample the delights of a city that never sleeps with their clients. Do you have a business convention or retreat to go to, or something longer, perhaps a weekend away, for which you would like feminine companionship? We can make arrangements to accommodate you and work out a rate that is acceptable to you. Is there some other social event you would like to attend, such as a high school reunion, a family event, or some other social occasion? Our girls are skilled and practiced at conducting themselves in a variety of different situations. All you have to do is let them know ahead of time how you would like them to dress and they will know how to take care of the rest. Whether casual or formal, social or professional, whatever the setting, our New York escorts can make you look good.
Imagine the look on the faces of your male relatives or of your coworkers when you show up with one of our stunning professional escorts on your arm. Whether she’s dressed in a sheer, form-fitting dress or she’s been poured into a tight pair of jeans with a crop-top, she’s going to blow the doors off any other woman at that event. They’re going to look at her with a mixture of amazement and jealousy… and the men around you are going to look at her, then at you, and wonder what it is you have going for you that you’ve managed to score such a fine young lady to accompany you to the event. They’re going to come up with all kinds of mysterious scenarios in their minds. They’ll wonder if you have more money and success than they realize. They’ll wonder if you’re just incredible in bed. They’ll wonder if this is the type of woman you regularly see socially, and they’ll conclude… well, whatever they conclude, but whatever it is, it will be flattering to you. This means that you can count on our girls not only to make you look good and impress those who see you, but you can guarantee that you’ll be the talk of your business and social circles for weeks and months to come. And if what you want is a lovely woman to accompany you but who will blend into the background and stay out of the way, our lovely escorts will do that, too. All you have to do is communicate what you want. Our sexy girls will do the rest for you.
Dating one of our New York escorts is far superior to Internet dating each and every time, for all the reasons we’ve listed. Don’t settle for less and, most of all, don’t simply give up. A lot of men, confronted with the inadequacies of the dating world, might be tempted to just give up on the whole thing. But where is it written that you should just be satisfied with less? Why should you be the one to just give up and accept less than what you deserve? We believe that you deserve the best in life. That means we think you deserve the highest quality lady on your arm when you’re ready for female companionship. We can’t guarantee that anything will develop between you and your new lady friend, but we do everything in our power to set you up for success. Every man wants to spend time with beautiful women. When you book with us, you get the opportunity to do just that, on your time, on your terms, within your schedule, and without all the hassle that has traditionally characterized attempting to date (whether that’s the old fashioned way at bars and clubs, or the newer way through the Internet). Book with us today and finally see what you have been missing. We won’t let you down and we won’t disappoint you. Our girls are waiting to hear from you. Contact us today.
Dating Our Escorts Improves Your Confidence
Have you ever wondered what it is to be more confident with women? Have you wondered how you might improve your own confidence? Survey after survey shows that confidence is the quality that women prize most highly in a man. In order to improve your own confidence, to become more self-assured, you have to become more confident with beautiful women. That is the paradox, the Catch-22, of becoming better with women. A woman wants a man who is very comfortable around other women, so she is more likely to want to spend time with him if he has this self-assured away about him where women are concerned. But a man can’t get women to want to be around him… unless he’s already spent enough time around beautiful women that he is confident enough to make them want to be around him. In other words, you have to have experience with women to get experience with women. So how do you break this vicious cycle? You do it by hiring a beautiful, sexy, desirable New York escort. This is the shortcut to improving your confidence and making you better, overall, with women. Making yourself more confident and thus more attractive thus gets more women to want to be around you, which makes you even more comfortable with them, and the “vicious cycle” becomes a reinforcing cycle of positivity that makes you a true ladies’ man. It all starts, though, with booking the time of one of our lovely young girls.
If you’ve never hired an escort before, we understand that the process is new to you and you may not know what to expect. You may be hesitating for that reason. When you book with us, though, you are getting our guarantee of success and a staff of beautiful women who absolutely know how to show you a good time. Our trained professional entertainers will gladly walk you through every step of what is expected of you. They will put your mind at ease and help you to understand that you have to do nothing except enjoy yourself. Your escort will do all the other work for you. That’s what she’s there for. She’s there to show you just how stress-free and pressure-free your dating experience can become when you finally book with us. But more importantly, spending time with our beautiful girls is the fastest way to establishing for yourself a new lifestyle, one in which you are the sort of man who regularly travels in the company of some of the city’s most beautiful women. Have you ever encountered a woman who was so breathtakingly sexy that it made your balls hurt? Have you ever met a girl who was so beautiful that you just couldn’t rest until you had your hands on her? Have you ever met a woman so desirable that you practically forgot your own name? That is the quality of the girls we offer. The first time you breathe in the perfume of your New York escort, take her hand, perhaps brush your hand through her hair, and sit down with her to get to know her while you’re at a restaurant or just home in your hotel or apartment, it will be all you can do to maintain your composure in her presence. The longer you experience her presence, however, the easier it will become. The more time you spend with sexy ladies, the more you will take it for granted. It just becomes part of the lifestyle to which you are accustomed.
The best part, though, is that the more you spend time with our luscious ladies, the more you will learn how to talk to them. You will start conversations more easily. You will make small talk and then even more extensive conversation without difficulty. Once you’ve gotten to know your lovely escort, you will be easily comfortable and casual around her. She will become just someone you know and, hopefully, someone of whom you are quite fond. If the two of you manage to make a connection together, you may even become close. That’s up to you… but the upshot is that the more time you book our girls for, the better able you will be to spend time with other women, and that includes non-professional girls who are not escorts, but amateurs. Amateur girls are very impressed by a smooth, self-assured man, and that is what you will become when you book our New York escorts. The more often you do it, the better able you will be to attract “normal,” amateur girls. They will respond to the quality you are developing and cultivating. They will sense and respond to your self-assurance, to your confidence. The quality of confidence translates to strength, and from an evolutionary genetics standpoint, strength is what all women seek. They want a man, deep down, who can provide for them and care for them, protect them and keep them safe. A confident man is a man who seems strong and powerful.
By contrast, men value women for how attractive they are. This, too, is probably a feature of evolutionary psychology. A man knows that it is his job to provide for his woman and protect her. He wants a mate who is very attractive because this brings him pleasure but also gives him the best chance of having healthy, attractive children. On a genetic level, even subconsciously, that’s what men and women are thinking about. That’s what they’re looking for. When you book one of our New York escorts, you get an attractive, beautiful woman who will spend time with you and get to know you. This will bring you pleasure, but over time, the more escorts you book, the more comfortable with the process you will become, and the more comfortable you will become around attractive women in general. The result is that you will become the sort of person you have always wanted to be: A ladies’ man who regularly travels with hot women and who commands respect and attention. Now, we know you didn’t get into this just to turn heads… but it’s a lot easier to do that with one of our stellar hotties on your arm. Each of our girls is a stone-cold fox who can turn heads no matter where she goes. She’ll make every man who sees you want her… and wonder how it is that you ended up with her. She’ll also make every woman in the room feel insecure and competitive. That’s the nature of women, and that’s what our professional entertainers know only too well will happen.
Our girls are practiced at the trade of being escorts. We provide them with plenty of training, too, so they can best fulfill their assignments. Each client who comes to us is a client who deserves to have the best night of his life. We believe in setting up our girls for success by giving them all the tools and resources they require to make your booking a wonderful time. This is the support we provide. Our function is largely an administrative one. Once you have selected the girl or girls who are right for you, we coordinate your schedule with hers and make sure that the young lady you want is available. If she isn’t, we’ll reach out to our extended network of sexy ladies to find someone you’ll like just as much. Once we’ve seen to it that you’re hooked up with a great young lady, we’ll also be on hand if you have any questions, concerns, problems, or suggestions. We are always very happy to hear from our clients with what we could be doing to better serve them. The more suggestions you provide us, the better able we are to keep our agency updated and our processes and procedures relevant and useful. Any time you think of a way we could be doing a better job for you, we want to hear about it. And if you had a great time (which you will) and there was something you were particularly happy about, we want to hear about that, too. It’s always great to know what you are doing right so that you can do more of it. That is the full level of service we provide. We are the best escort agency in the NYC area and it took a lot of hard work for us to get here. We know we can satisfy you and give you a great time. All we ask is that you contact us and give us a chance to serve you. Our girls can’t reach out to call you. You have to take the first step towards happiness and let us know you’re in the market for beautiful, professional female companionship. We can’t wait to hear from you!
We Screen Our Girls To Better Serve You
The job of a New York escort is not for everyone. It’s actually fairly demanding. Part of this is that the party lifestyle of a New York escort requires a great deal of stamina and imagination. Our girls know that each and every one of their clients deserves their full attention. They also know that they have to be able to give the first client of the month and the last client of the month the same degree of personalized focus, energy, and fun. Fortunately, they truly enjoy what they do. They love getting to know different clients, going out to do different fun things with them, spending the occasionally intimate even at home or in the hotel, and even seeing the tourist sites, shows, and other entertainment to be had in of the most famous cities in the world. But to do this day in and day out, to make this their job, to make fun their vocation, requires a real devotion and commitment to the lifestyle of a professional escort. It’s not for everyone and plenty of girls can’t cut it.
If someone came to you and asked you if you would like to make partying your full time job, and the thing that you actually got paid for, would you jump at the chance? Many young women do. The ones who can’t hack it quickly find out they can’t when the party lifestyle wears them down. The average person can handle partying for a long weekend easily. The more committed can party for a week long with no ill effects… but most people will begin to feel worn down by the end of that frantic week. Rare is the girl who can keep partying into the second week, and then the third, and then the fourth, while showing no signs of slowing down. After all, it would be only understandable if you needed to take a break from partying after a week or two. When have most of us even had the opportunity to party that hard or for that long? It’s possible that very few of us even really know or understand our own limitations when it comes to unlimited recreation. So when a girl comes to us and we give her this job, we’re looking to see if she can handle it.
After all, a guy who hires a New York escort has certain expectations for his time out with her. No matter where his date falls in her schedule, he expects her to be “on point.” She’s got to be as energetic, fun, and entertaining the first day of the month as she is the last day of the month… and she’s got to be actually enjoying herself. She can’t just go through the motions. She can’t just “phone it in.” If she is only pretending to have a good time, the client will notice, and his own enjoyment of the booking will be greatly decreased. That’s because our clients don’t just want a woman who is pretending to have fun. They don’t want to be tolerated or simply indulged. They don’t want to feel like their escort is doing them some kind of favor. They want to know that their company is genuinely enjoyable. That’s the difference when it comes to our New York escorts. Our girls know how to treat you properly, with both respect and genuine affection. They love what they do. They like getting to know new clients and they are always happy to be able to spend their time out having fun.
If the lifestyle, the party way of life that characterizes the jobs of our professional escorts, starts to wear them down, we give them a choice. We ask them to leave if they can’t keep up. If they can keep up, however, we know we have a winner who can stay on our staff. These are girls who know how to go and keep going, who can have a great time no matter where or who they are with. Are you ready to spend a night out, or a quiet night in, with a girl who knows how to have a great time no matter what? Are you ready to be with a young lady who has made the party lifestyle her stock in trade? We think you are, and we’re hoping that you will give us the chance to serve you. Each and every one of our girls is screened not just for stamina, but for leadership and imagination qualities. She must see to it that your booking goes well. If there’s a problem, it’s her job to address it. If you’re not happy for any reason, it’s her job to make you happy. At the end of your booking, you’ve got to be able to go home, or send her home, happy and satisfied. She will do that for you. That’s her job, and that’s why she is a professional.
That aspect of the service we offer cannot be overstated. Our girls are professional entertainers, yes. That means they are skilled and experienced at entertaining you… but their professionalism is also one of their most important features. When was the last time you were treated with true respect and true professionalism by a woman you went out with? It’s rare, isn’t it? Many men are happy if their date manages to get through an entire dinner without staring into her phone and texting her friends. But when you book one of our New York escorts, you get the time and attention of a professional entertainer who knows how to treat you properly. No matter what the venue is for your date, no matter whether you took her out to an elaborate social event or to some form of entertainment, or you kept her home or at your hotel in order to get to know her in a quiet and intimate environment, she will make sure that you are feeling relaxed, happy, and satisfied by the time your booking is over. When you book one of our girls, she’s yours for the duration. That means you can expect her not only to be focused on you at the beginning of the date, but to stay focused on you throughout. Her professionalism will carry her through, and that difference is why you’ll come back to us again and again.
We make no excuses for the fact that we want to ruin traditional dating for you. The way people have traditionally done dating has been full of problems for men. The dating establishment, in fact, is designed to benefit women. It gives women the benefit of your time, your money, and your attention. Everything is focused on them and their pleasure. Old-fashioned dating makes women happy by making them the focus of all your efforts, putting them at the center of the spotlight. To be successful you must be very responsive to their whims, no matter how inappropriate or ill-timed. You must devote yourself entirely to pleasing a woman who could drop you at a moment’s notice or with no notice at all. You must be okay with potentially wasting your time and money on someone who will never reciprocate your feelings or even let you have a casual relationship with them. That is because women are trained from birth in our society to have a sense of entitlement. They think simply because they are women they deserve your attention. After all, all straight men want to be with women. They desire the company of women, and attractive women most of all. Women understand this and have, in the past, used this as a weapon to make men do whatever they want. They are well aware of the power they hold. Any woman who tries to tell you differently simply isn’t being honest with you.
When you hire a New York escort, however, you are circumventing this entire system. You are getting what you want — the companionship of a beautiful woman — on your terms, on your schedule, and in a way that is beneficial to you. This contrasts sharply to the old way of doing things, which always gives the advantage to the woman. When you go out with one of our escorts, you are finally getting the attention and respect that you, as a man, have long been denied. Once you’ve had that respect, once you’ve had your needs placed first for once, it will be very hard for you to ever go back. That’s why we like to say that our service ruins you for all traditional dating. New York escorts are the better choice! It’s absolutely true and we are prepared to show you just how good it can be. Book with us and change your life. Get the respect and pleasure you truly deserve.